Welder for hire

welder for hire

Welder for hire

Hi, my name is George, and I love to weld and right now, I am a welder for hire. I live in Palmdale, but I commute down to my welding shop in Northridge California at 18748 Bryant Street, Unit #1, Northridge, California 91324. You can reach me at (747) 324-0595 any time during regular business hours, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. I take the weekends off for myself. Licensed 885624

Fence Welder for hire

I don’t really remember when I started welding, so I will go backwards. The last welding job was at a production site in Woodland Hills. My son’s company, California Handyman, was hired to take off a side gate to let in a machine but it was necessary to remove the attached fence which was about 5 feet wide. The gate door came off easily from the hinges, but the side panel fence was not coming off. The bolts were welded to the nuts and while a few of the bolts and nuts came off, the jamb post had to be yanked out. So, after the production ended and the big machine moved out, I got to work on welding back the post. Prior to that, I welded a gate between an accessory dwelling unit and the main house in Van Nuys for a movie director after I did a main gate for that house. Prior to that, I did a drive way gate for a couple that were in the entertainment business and the music business. It was a long and tall gate which replaced their wooden drive way gate that leaned over when it got wet from the rain. Prior to that, I repaired the stair railings at the Mountain Gate golf club and actually painted them gloss black.

Welding Side Gates Welder For Hire

Side gates are the best way to enter the back yard, but I always see side gates that are easily broken into. That’s why, I weld locks on my side gates to allow for a regular door handle lock and a dead bolt lock. The better side gate door locks are the ones that have a key pad where you enter a combination of numbers to open the side gate. There are two locks types that are battery operated and the mechanical ones. I recommend the mechanical side gate door locks. The regular door locks work just fine as well. The only thing is that for a good side gate, you need a good substance to attach the side gate to. Otherwise, I have to anchor my own posts on either side into concrete. The two posts can be connected through an overhang for best results. What ever you’re thinking of, you can draw it and send it to me at george@georgesaado.com.

Drive way gates Welder for hire

Drive way gates are the best way to secure your home. I recommend having a gate opener that handles double the load of your gate. 20 feet long gates are going to be heavier than a 12 foot gate, so you have to get the right drive way gate opener. I design the drive way gate according to your needs. If you are looking for privacy, I can build it high, but 6 feet is the average height of a drive way gate in Los Angeles. There are many configurations on the opening but the average slides open and slides closed. There are many drive way gates designs and the modern look of horizontal planks seems to be the most popular. The vertical planks are still traditional, but in Los Angeles, we are seeing sleek horizontal fences and driveway gates.

Contact me

Give me a call at (747) 324-0595 or

stop by at 18748 Bryant Street, Unit #1, Northridge, California 91324 or

send me an email at george@georgesaado.com

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Licensed Contractor in Northridge since 2006, A1 Home Builder specializes in structural home repairs due to earthquake damage including foundation repair and structure repair. We build A.D.U., room additions, and garage conversion.

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